Page 3: Action Steps + Free Video Training
Get Paid to Help Others Live Their Lives On Fire!
You can learn a simple duplicatable system that adds value and helps others live their best lives now!
Our Coaching Clients Are Family…
We Call Ourselves the Life on Fire Family!
    Benefits of Being a Highly Paid Coach:
    Can I coach someone if I don’t have experience?
    Usain Bolt is The Fastest Man Alive and he didn’t get so fast on his own…he has a coach.
    Question…does his Coach need to be fast to be a good coach?  

    Nope! Usain Bolt’s coach learned a “system” on how to coach and helped his client become The Fastest Man Alive!

    So you don’t have to be a multi-millionaire or some top performer to be a great coach…you just need the “right” system.

    You technically don’t need any experience whatsoever in the subject matter to be a great coach.  

    Coaching with the right system is about helping your client get clear on where they are at today (point A) and where they want to get to (point B) and then holding them accountable to take massive action.

    We’ve certified hundreds and hundreds of coaches to add value for their clients and, therefore, build successful businesses.
    Why is Author, Speaker, Coach The Best Business Model?
    Early in my career I tried everything…I was in network marketing, real estate, telecom, selling supplements, local business marketing, and so many more. From 18 years old to 28 years old I failed at 11 businesses 😱.

    Yep, it was brutal…I was drowning in over $100k in debt and was so discouraged I almost took my own life.

    The devil had me beaten down so bad that I was so discouraged that I almost took my own life. Scary times.

    It was because I was a lone wolf. I was doing business alone and everything shifted when I borrowed money and hired the “right” coach.

    So even in businesses where I made some money…

    I realized that “how” I made money was even more important.

    If you make a ton of money stock trading but you don’t help anyone else and don’t have any joy…is it worth it?

    Making money is cool and all…but I wanted to have purpose and fulfillment along the way.

    Money can’t buy happiness…but making money in business can allow you to expand your reach and serve more people which creates an impact that fulfills your soul’s purpose and lights you up.

    In my opinion, there is no greater joy than helping someone achieve their wildest dreams.
    Helping others truly Unleash Their God-Given Potential is more rewarding than any other business I’ve ever been a part of.

    It’s also a fun perk that the more that you personally grow and develop, the more valuable you will become for your clients.

    There’s literally no ceiling to your earning potential.  

    The more you invest in yourself to learn more skills…the more lives you impact and the more money you make.

    What could possibly be better than that!?
    A Growing Industry
    According to Forbes, the self education industry (e-learning) is forecasted to triple to almost a billion dollars a day by 2025.

    The reason is simple…people are looking for quick ways to get the solutions to their problems.

    Timing is important in business and you can either watch the wave pass you by or grab your surfboard, take action, learn new skills, and ride this wave of opportunity as you help people with your message.
    It’s Nice to Be Recession Proof
    So many industries are impacted by ups and downs of the economy.

    I love that when the economy is booming…people need books, powerful messages on stage, & coaching.

    When the economy is in recession…the people need books, powerful messages on stage, & coaching even more.

    I’ve been an entrepreneur through the Great Recession and through the boom of the last 10 years. Whether the markets are up or down…everyone needs your message in the form of a book, through speaking, and coaching!
    Other Benefits of Being An Author + Speaker + Coach
    Hypothetical question: would you invest $20k if you were 100% positive it would yield you $100k within 12 months?

    That would be a great investment that would yield a return year after year once you have the skills.
    So What’s The Catch?
    Belief. The greatest challenge with this business is convincing ourselves that we have what it takes.  

    That we are enough.  

    That there are people out there that would buy our books, pay for us to speak, and hire us to coach them.

    Some call it the “Imposter’s Syndrome” which generally means that we doubt ourselves.

    This may show up as being a “perfectionist” …

    …and you’re waiting and waiting for the book to be perfect before you launch it.

    Or you may find yourself showing up as the “procrastinator” …

    …who is waiting and waiting and waiting for the day when you feel ready to step into the call of being an author, speaker, & coach.

    Or you may be the “starter & stopper”...

    …who gets excited and starts something…only to stop and fall short later.

    Did you know that it’s only a lack of “belief” that holds entrepreneurs back from being a 7-figure entrepreneur millionaire?

    No matter what level you’re playing at…the only difference between where you are and where you want to be…is belief.

    We specialize in coaching our clients on how to overcome this problem, phew!

    How We Can Serve You for Free (Give First Model):
    Simply pop in your first name, best email, and cell phone number below and you’ll get an invitation with access to my free video training:

    “11 Steps To Becoming A Bestselling Author Within 60 Days.”

    If you’re not an author yet…this will be a game changer for your business!
    If you’re already an author…

    You’ll see how you can ‘Re-Launch’ your book and enjoy all the benefits above and sell books on Amazon on autopilot.
    In addition, in my free instant access video training you’ll also learn how you can maximize the Author, Speaker, & Coach Business Model.

    Commit 90 minutes to enjoy all of the training and I really believe that you’ll look back months from now and realize it was one of the best decisions you made this year.  

    Imagine that by investing 90 minutes to learn new strategies that will then shift the trajectory of your business and future…

    It sounds bold…and it is. 💪💪

    You’ve got no risk, nothing to lose, and everything to gain IF you play full out.

    So here are the next steps to set your life & business on 🔥🔥🔥…

    Step 1: Pop in your info below to get your invitation then commit to watching all of my free video training

    Step 2: Apply and see if we are a good fit for a free 1 on 1 transformation Call

    Step 3: Get into fast action as an Author / Speaker / Coach

    Step 4: Get paid to literally transform lives & make a difference with your message

    Step 5: Live your Life on Fire and be blessed to be a blessing
    Free 1 on 1 Transformation Call
    After you watch my free 90 minute training you’ll then have an opportunity to apply for a free 1 on 1 Transformation Call.

    We’ve trained and certified thousands of coaches in the last 10 years and you’ll have the opportunity to have a 1 on 1 session with one of our top coaches.

    Here are some of the benefits of our free 1 on 1 Transformation Call
    This all comes back to the “Give First” model that I shared earlier with you.

    My commitment to you is that these next steps will serve you and add value whether we ever do more together or not.
    Now is the Time to Arise & Shine and to Live Your Life on Fire!
    There are people waiting for you to show up and Unleash Your God-Given Potential.
    Your legacy will live on for generations with your book.

    People’s lives will be forever impacted by speaking your message.

    Coaching clients will thank you for helping them achieve their dreams.

    How many people will you inspire by going ALL IN and living your Life on Fire?

    If not now, when?
    We dislike SPAM as much as you!

    We will treat your contact info with the respect it deserves :) 

    You can unsubscribe at any time.

    Our mission is to over deliver and serve you to live your Life on Fire!
    Contact Customer Care: | (858) 609-0924
    Life on Fire® Challenge is owned and operated by Life on Fire®

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    IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

    Earnings and income representations made by Life on Fire, Nick Unsworth, affiliates, sponsors, or advertisers (collectively, “Life on Fire Programs”) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Nick Unsworth & Life on Fire, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Life on Fire Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

    The Life on Fire® Programs, and Nick Unsworth individually, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Life on Fire Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions or our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

    Copyright © 2021 Life on Fire®, Inc. All Rights Reserved.